90 Pages | PDF | 25.5 MB
Properly, we should read for power. Man reading should be man intensely alive. The book should be a ball of light in one's hand. Ezra Pound (1885 - 1972)
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Oznake: Magazine - Adult
Oznake: Magazine - Adult
Oznake: Magazine - Adult
Oznake: Books - Computers and Internet
Oznake: Books - Computers and Internet
*Maximize your productivity and learn from two experts exactly how to incorporate Adobe Photoshop Lightroom into your own workflow, whether you use Windows or a Mac
*Fully up-to-date with the latest features of Lightroom 2 and packed with full color, step-by-step screenshots and photographs
*Visit www.focalpress.com/Lightroom for additional Lightroom tutorials, software news and updates
Oznake: Books - Computers and Internet
Get beyond the basics with Excel 2007 macros
Now you can take your Excel skills to the next level with help from this hands-on guide. Excel 2007 Macros Made Easy shows you how to create, run, and revise macros to simplify repetitive tasks and store the instructions for complicated ones. YouAnd#39;ll learn to use Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), add macros to the Excel toolbar, and share your macros with other users. Discover how easy it is to develop custom macros, save time, and boost productivity.
Oznake: Books - Computers and Internet
Oznake: Comics
Build Your Own Electric Vehicle, 2nd Edition
Overview :
Go Green-Go Electric!. Faster, cheaper, more reliable, while saving energy and the environment.
This new, updated edition of “Build Your Own Electric Vehicle” contains everything that made the first edition so popular while adding all the technological advances and new parts that are readily available on the market today.
“Build Your Own Electric Vehicle” gets on the expressway to a green, ecologically sound, cost-effective way that even can look cool, too!
This comprehensive how-to goes through the process of transforming an internal combustion engine vehicle to electric or even building an EV from scratch for as much or even cheaper than purchasing a traditional car. The book describes each component in detail -- motor, battery, controller, charger, and chassis -- and provides step-by-step instructions on how to put them all together.
Build Your Own Electric Vehicle, Second Edition, covers:
• EV vs. Combustible Engine Overview.
• Environmental and Energy Savings.
• EV Evolution since the First Electric Car .
• Current Purchase and Conversion Costs.
• Chassis and Design.
• Today's Best Motors .
• Battery Discharging/Charging Styles.
• Electrical Systems.
• Licensing and Insurance Issues.
• Driving.
• Maintenance .
• Related Clubs and Associations.
• Additional Resources
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Oznake: Magazine - Science
Oznake: Magazine - Science
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Oznake: Books - Computers and Internet
Oznake: Books - Computers and Internet
3ds Max is the leading 3D modeling, animation, and rendering solution for artists, schools, and production environments. The unique tutorial approach of this book permits readers to learn essential techniques that every 3D artist needs to create CG environments by recreating the earth's elements of earth, air, fire and water. No extra plug-ins are required to perform the exercises. Draper studies the real world and then simulates it with 3ds Max -a unique approach that reflects classical art training.
"Deconstructing the Elements" allows artists to recreate natural effects using Autodesk® 3ds Max®. This new edition boasts all new tutorials. All editorial content is updated to be current with the current version of 3ds Max. Inspirational images cover every page as the author shares his professional insight, detailing the how and why of each effect, ensuring the reader a complete understanding of all the processes involved.
The companion web site includes all of the tutorials from the previous two editions, only available to purchasers of this 3rd edition - plus all new tutorials of the current edition. It's like getting 3 books in one!
--"This book is the definitive text on 3ds Max effects using Particles and Dynamics....Pete sets the standard." Mark Gerhard, M&E Applications Engineer, Imaginit Technologies, USA.
--Draper is award-winning Max luminary, was nominated this year for an Autodesk Max Master Award 2007 (at SIGGRAPH).
--Official Autodesk Max Techniques book: co-published with Autodesk Media and Entertainment.
--Packed with 4-color illustrations that direct and inspire the reader - the book has received rave reviews both online and in industry magazines; it's also recommended reading for several CG university courses.
--3 books in one - all previous editions are now available to the purchaser of this edition, with the new companion web site that offers all tutorials from the two previous editions, plus 6 hours of video tutorials.
Oznake: Books - Computers and Internet
Oznake: Books - Technology
Oznake: Magazine - Adult
Oznake: Magazine - Travel
Oznake: Magazine - Adult
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Oznake: Magazine - Adult
Oznake: Magazine - Computers
Oznake: Magazine - Graphics
Oznake: Magazine - Music
Oznake: Magazine - Photography
Oznake: Magazine - Adult
Oznake: Magazine - Photography
Oznake: Books - Engineering
Oznake: Magazine - Adult