
Animation Background Layout


Animation Background Layout (27.5 MB)

  • Paperback: 166 pages
  • Publisher: Imprint unknown; Limited Edition edition (2002)
  • ISBN-10: 0973160209
  • ISBN-13: 978-0973160208
  • Description: As a college animation instructor, my students have asked me to tell them more about animation background layout, show them any tricks of the trade, or at least give them copies of my notebook. I have attempted to give them as much information as I could, but time and teaching regular course material left students with only portions of the information. The only solution was to formally write a book that had all this and more.

    In my book Animation Background Layout: From Student to Professional , I have created an easy to follow format with so much information that people of any animation skill level can learn something new. Based on my industry and teaching experience, this book answers both, "How is layout made?” but also, “Why?". Each chapter progressively elaborates on layout concepts and topics to assist the building of your skills.

    Illustrated and explained in this book are: Perspective, Perspective Grids, Composition, Staging, Fielding of Characters, Camera Moves, Thumbnail Sketches, Tonal Drawings, Storyboard, Model/Pose/Prop Sheets, Location Designs, Field Guides, Level Sketches, Labelling, Compilation of a Layout Folder, Tips and Tricks, and much more.

    Animation Background Layout: From Student to Professional , was designed as a textbook for any person. From the inquisitive beginner, to the animation student who wants to better prepare for the animation industry, even the animation professionals will learn something new in this book. Enjoy



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