
Hydrogen Fuel: Production, Transport and Storage

Hydrogen Fuel: Production, Transport and Storage
Hydrogen Fuel: Production, Transport and Storage Information : Author : Ram B. Gupta | Published by CRC Press | Publication date : July 2008 | ISBN : 142004575X | PDF Format, 626 pages | English | Original File Size : 10408 KB | Compressed File Size : 9508 KB

Overview :
The world’s overdependence on fossil fuels has created environmental problems, such as air pollution and global warming, as well as political and economic unrest. With water as its only by-product and its availability in all parts of the world, hydrogen promises to be the next great fuel source.
This book describes various aspects of hydrogen fuel, including production from both renewable and nonrenewable sources, purification, storage, transport, safety, codes, and carbon dioxide sequestration. The book examines the unique properties and uses of the hydrogen molecule, its ability to be produced from numerous energy sources, and its separation and purification. It explains how to transport hydrogen using pipelines and tankers and how to store it using compressed tanks, metal hydrides, carbon adsorbents, and chemical hydrides. The expert contributors also discuss codes and standards, monitoring techniques, and safety designs.

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